Sunday, August 31


Tonight I attended a quite different but extremely refreshing worship service... I was hosted by a church in North OKC (Divine Light) and the premise of the night was add to the beauty.

Through art, music, poetry, media, prayer, or simple but deep communion we were all invited to worship our King in our own way adding to the MOSAIC (name of the service) that that night represented.

The Theme of the night was centered in the Cross, and it was "the Beautiful Scandalous Night" knowing and understanding that what Christ did on the cross it was scandalous... the King of Glory coming down from heaven to die laying down His life for you and for me, broken and wretched sinners... yes Scandalous!!! but isn't also a beautiful demonstration of His love for us?

the night started with worship... and I never heard many of those songs before. I was standing in awe of the beauty of our king, and then one of the lines of the song that was being played suddenly got of hold of the strings of my soul:

"You are loved beyond your wildest dreams"

and those words drove me into the "writings sections" and a new poem was being born...


In the midst of this fast pace life
we run... we fight... we try to believe
as we know we are meant for much more
we long... we crave... we try to believe

desperately we search and pursuit to know
who You are... who I am... who we are
careless leap of faith attempting to discover
who to trust... who to follow... who to love

but You

coming towards me dancing in the valley
bringing healing, restoration, and joy
and while You are singing over me, You love me
with Your beautiful, wild, endless, and scandalous love.


yes like the song said... I am loved beyond my wildest dreams.
I am being loved by LOVE himself... scandalous and beautiful at the same time.


Flor Figueroa said...
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WiT said...

i think your poem is awesome, i bet it'd make an awesome song if you put some chords to it :)

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This work by Max Barroso is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.