Thursday, July 17

Don't you ever wonder why? [midnight reflections]

As it usually happens before I write a blog. I just finished talking with someone from my youth, and it triggered some questions in my mind...

The truth is that is since the beginning of time, mankind has been wrestling with this same controversial issue, why does God allow some things to happen? why now? why here? but the hardest one is perhaps... why me?

lets go for a walk while I share with you some of the reflexions and thoughts that I had tonight...

There is various reasons and explanations that I have heard through out my life to answer this why... one is that God allows things to happen to make us stronger and prepare us for things that might happen in the future. An other explanation is so we can have a great resource to witness and to share a "powerful" testimony... and I agree, those are valid reasons, but let me pounder some about a thought that I have not really heard as much before, but perhaps it could answer either your or my why.

Often times through out scripture God used different elements or situations to get our attention, for Moses it was a burning bush, for Jonah getting swallowed by a "whale", for Hosea having to marry a prostitute, and for Saul being "blinded by the lights", or The Light.

We have the tendency to simply ride in our race horse through life, take control of the situation, and allow nobody to intervene with our pursue of destiny. We like to be in charge, make the decisions, move strings of power, and see everyone jump at the snap of our fingers. lets face it, we are control freaks.

Then all of the sudden life happens and things get rough and shaky, and even though we pretend to be in control of the situation, and that everything is perfectly fine, truth is we are spinning out of control in the highway of life... and we are finding ourselves clueless and powerless when it comes to deal with the waves and storms of life; as we start looking for help, we find out also that our helper is sleeping in the front of the boat...

and wow, yes, we get upset... we start staring God down and He can read in our facial expression something along the lines of "seriously?... my life is about to wreck and you are sleeping up there.." but sometimes we are not ready for his reply... "well I though that you were taking care of the wheel and I was just coming along for the ride..."

We struggle so much on realizing that we are not supposed to fight this battle by ourselves... that what we need to do is to learn how to truly rely on the Lord allowing Him to be God in our midst, and by that I mean to give him permission to do His will in our lives... to let Him be the driver and stop overloading ourselves with a burden that we are not supposed to be carrying, we forgot that we are not fighting for victory but from victory... 2000 years ago, at the Cross He fought that battle for you and for me making provision that is available for us today, and if we give Him access He will show up and show off in every single area of our lives... question... are we willing to let God... i guess be God?

and right here is when we have to face the S word... Surrender.

Are we willing to say "God, regardless of what it happens, Have Your way in my life, in every circumstance I chose over my desires, over my agenda, over my, goals, plans, and projects... "Thy will be done!" I surrender all to You Jesus, and I will trust you will give me peace and guide me through out this entire process... Like Jeremiah 29:11 says: His plans for our life are even better that we can even imagine or plan for ourselves, and like Isaiah says: we are hidden in the whole of His hands... We must learn how to trust him and depend on Him. He got our Back.

From all the lessons that we have to learn through out our Christian walk, I think that dependence and surrender are among the top 5 hardest ones, because it truly deals with some deep elements of who we are. for example of willingness to loose the control over our destiny and trust God that he got everything completely under control... knowing that He who takes care of the little birds, will also take care of you and me.

Hope that Helps... Thanks for your time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does God really have control?

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