Saturday, June 28

Change of mind... Change of heart

I think that we need a shift in the paradigm of how relationships are approached now days, a realization and understanding of the true priorities that we should focus on, and a deep comprehension of God’s involvement in this process.

The truth is that we are relational beings, since the moment we were born we start longing for relationship... first with our mom, we know there is a link there a connection and we pursue it, then we grow up some and family becomes the world to us, the list of personal traits determined by our family is endless! moral values, religious beliefs, who we are, and many more... no long after we start looking for friends, peers, those individuals that will help us shape our identity and affirm our sense of belonging... the ones that look, dress, smell, and live somewhat like we do.

for a while we are ok... until a big reality hits us square on the face, still we are incomplete... in some point between the ages of 10 and 15 we realize that this is not how things are supposed to be, be must find our better half, and the search begins...

of course as it happens to almost everyone, we have the tendency to search in the mistaken places and to find the mistaken people. Can you remember your first grand love? wow the world was perfect, bells were already perceptible in the atmosphere, we were already planning the wedding, the colors, we had the song and the first dance... but details aside it is a constant among most of us that we ended up heartbroken, with this deep feeling of unworthiness, worn and used, forgotten, and blah blah...

tears that only He knows.

the saddest part is that young people today after they are hurt and heartbroken have the inclination to jump so quickly into other relationships with the fake illusion that having someone else will fulfill that sensation of emptiness and worthlessness that after a wrecked relationship can be so overwhelming... not really giving time to their hearts to be healed and restored, for their emotions and self esteem to be whole again... following this pattern brokenness is around the corner, again.

i said all that to begin this paragraph

We need a deep change in our minds and hearts, because the deep truth is that our focus is totally and completely jacked up! we look and long for significance, relationship, to love and be loved in return, to belong, to feel like home... and we keep going to dwells that are dry and will never quench the thirst that are consuming the depths of our souls...

“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart...”
Psalms 37:4 (NIV)

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus...”
Hebrews 12:12 (AMP)

In this last 20 days I’ve learning the true depth and meaning of some of the wildest and radical love declarations of the Lord for our lives... for example to hear the creator of the universe whisper into our ears “I am yours and you are mine”, our to know that he thinks that we are “the apple of His eyes”, or that “In you I delight”, or my personal favorite, to know that “He dances over me...”... understanding that the source of life is pursuing you and me with endless love, that he is the one that wants to take our shatter hearts and make them whole, He is the one who wants to be the center of our attraction, our love, our delight... and as a gift of grace because we have gotten lost in His embrace, He will grant us the desires of our hearts...

We don’t need no looser (I know double negation, intentional) to come and tear us down, or to play with our emotions, our to try to sweet talk us to simply satisfy his/hers selfish desires... we are safe now, our heart has gotten so so lost into his presence, into his love, into his embrace that there is no room for any joker to try to play games with us... our heart is now hidden in his heart, and in order to reach our love that person now is going to have to find Him first...

much love!


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